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Kirpal S. Bisht M.Sc., Ph.D.
1995 University of Delhi , India
MS, 1990 University of Delhi
, India
BSc (Hons) 1988 University of Delhi
, India
Department of Chemistry, SCA 400
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620 (USA)
Tel: (813) 974 0350
Fax: (813) 974 3203
| 62 Scientific papers and reviews published
in peer reviewed internationally recognized journals. |
| 20 Presentations at Conferences/Symposia.&
nbsp; |
| 2 US patents. |
Research Interests
| Organic/polymer Synthesis:-
| Synthesis and polymerization of novel m
onomers to get functional polymers for biodegradable applications in medicine and industry. |
| Stereo-controlled synthesis of synthone
s of Natural Products and compounds of medicinal, agricultural and commercial importance. |
| Chemical and enzymatic methods are sou
ght for imparting unprecedented selectivity. |
| Biotransformations:-
| Enzyme-catalyzed reactions in aqueous
and non-aqueous environments, scale up procedures; biocatalyst stabilization by immobilization; use of enzymes in polymer forming reactions. |
| Aug' 1998 to present University of South F
lorida, Tampa, FL. Assistant
Professor , Department of Chemistry |
| Oct '95-July '98 University of Massachuset
ts Lowell, MA
Post-Doctoral Researcher with Prof. Richard Gross, Department of Chemistry |
| June' 95-Sept' 95 University of Delhi, Del
hi, India
Research Scientist with Prof. Virinder S Parmar, Department of Chemistry |
| September' 93 Odense University, Odense, D
Visting Fellow in the Laboratory of Professor Dr. PM Boll, Department of Chemistry |
| Aug' 92-Oct' 92 University of Warwick, Cov
entry, UK
Visiting Fellow in the Laboratory of Professor DHG Crout, Department of Chemistry |
Honors and Awards
| Creative Research and Scholarship award of
the Division of Sponsored Research, USF, 1999. |
| Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of the Da
nish International Development Agency (DANIDA, Denmark) during Aug' 90-Nov' 90. |
| Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of the Co
uncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, India) during Dec' 90-Nov' 92. |
| Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) of the Co
uncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, India) during Dec' 92-May' 95. |
Courses Taught
| Organic Chemistry for Non chemistry Major
s (CHM
2200), Spring 1999 and Spring 2000 |
| Spectroscopic Identification of Organic C
ompounds (CHM
4932/6838), Fall 1999
and Fall 2000. |
| Organic Chemistry-I (CHM 2210), Summer 2000
Symposia/Conferences Attended
| IUPAC- NOST International Symposium
on "Enzymes in Organic Sythesis" held at New Delhi (India) from January 6-9, 1992.
| Lipase-catalyzed irreversible transeste
rification using 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl butyrate:
Effect of temperature on rate of reaction and enantioselectivity |
| Enzyme-catalyzed regioselective deacyla
tion of polyphenolic peracetates in organic
solvents |
| Enzymatic studies in selective protecti
on of sterically hindered hydroxyl groups in
polyphenolics |
| Lipase-catalyzed selective deacetylatio
n of peracetylated
bezopyranones |
| Regioselective esterification with lipa
ses in organic solvents |
| IUPAC Second International Syposium
on "Bioorganic Chemistry" held at Fukuoka (Japan) on June 6-10, 1993.
| Selective biotransformations on diols w
ith lipases |
| Fourth International Symposium on "C
hiral Discrimination" held at Montreal (Canada) on September 19-22, 1993.
| Enantioselelective transesterification
of 2,3-butanediol |
| International Symposium on "Perspect
ives in Bioorganic Chemistry" held at New Delhi (India) on December 8-9, 1994.
| Novel compounds from Piper clarkii and
their biological activity |
| A novel lipase from Aspergillus terreus
: its potential in organic
synthesis |
| Lignans and neolignans from stems and f
ruits of Piper wightii |
| Enzyme-catalyzed deacetylation of perac
etates of phenolic/enolic hydroxy groups in benzyl- phenyl
ketones |
| Isethionate in certain red algae<
!--mstheme--> |
| IUPAC 10th International Conference
on "Organic Synthesis" held at Bangalore (India) on December 11-16, 1994.
| Asymmetric transformation of racemic am
ino acids during enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of Schiff bases of amino acids
esters |
| IUPAC 3rd International Syposium on
"Bioorganic Chemistry"held at Dagomys (Sochi, Russia) on September 17-23, 1995.
| Modulation of biotransformation of afla
toxin by novel compounds from Piper
species |
| 5th Annual Meeting of the Bio/Enviro
nmentally Degradable Polymer Society at Nashville (Tennessee, USA) on September 22-26, 1996.
| Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of polymers
for biodegradable applications |
| 6th Annual Meeting of the Bio/Enviro
nmentally Degradable Polymer Society at SanDiego (CA, USA) on September 16-21, 1997.
| Lipase-catalyzed route to versatile amp
hiphilic polymers. |
| Lipase -catalyzed ring-opening poly,mer
izations |
| Propagation kinetics on enzyme catalyze
d ring-opening polymerization of lactones |
| International Symposium on "Trends i
n Medicinal Chemistry and Biocatalysis" at New Delhi, India on January 26-29, 2000.
| Biocatalytic Routes to Functional Polym
ers |
| 220th National Meeting of the Americ
an Chemical Society at Washington, DC on August 20-24, 2000.
| Functional Polycarbonate Synthesis: Enz
ymatic Approach |