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Kirpal S. Bisht M.Sc., Ph.D.
PhD, 1995 University of Delhi , India 
    MS, 1990 University of Delhi , India  
    BSc (Hons) 1988 University of Delhi , India

Department of Chemistry, SCA 400
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620 (USA)
Tel: (813) 974 0350
Fax: (813) 974 3203


62 Scientific papers and reviews published in peer reviewed internationally recognized journals. 
20 Presentations at Conferences/Symposia.& nbsp;
2 US patents.

Research Interests

Organic/polymer Synthesis:- 
Synthesis and polymerization of novel m onomers to get functional polymers for biodegradable applications in medicine and industry. 
Stereo-controlled synthesis of synthone s of Natural Products and compounds of medicinal, agricultural and commercial importance. 
Chemical and enzymatic methods are sou ght for imparting unprecedented selectivity.
Enzyme-catalyzed reactions in aqueous and non-aqueous environments, scale up procedures; biocatalyst stabilization by immobilization; use of enzymes in polymer forming reactions.


Aug' 1998 to present University of South F lorida, Tampa, FL.  Assistant Professor , Department of Chemistry
Oct '95-July '98 University of Massachuset ts Lowell, MA
Post-Doctoral Researcher with Prof. Richard Gross, Department of Chemistry
June' 95-Sept' 95 University of Delhi, Del hi, India
Research Scientist with Prof. Virinder S Parmar, Department of Chemistry
September' 93 Odense University, Odense, D enmark
Visting Fellow in the Laboratory of Professor Dr. PM Boll, Department of Chemistry
Aug' 92-Oct' 92 University of Warwick, Cov entry, UK
Visiting Fellow in the Laboratory of Professor DHG Crout, Department of Chemistry

Honors and Awards

Creative Research and Scholarship award of the Division of Sponsored Research, USF, 1999.
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of the Da nish International Development Agency (DANIDA, Denmark) during Aug' 90-Nov' 90.
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of the Co uncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, India) during Dec' 90-Nov' 92.
Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) of the Co uncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, India) during Dec' 92-May' 95.

Courses Taught

Organic Chemistry for Non chemistry Major s (CHM 2200), Spring 1999 and Spring 2000
Spectroscopic Identification of Organic C ompounds (CHM 4932/6838), Fall 1999  and Fall 2000. 
Organic Chemistry-I (CHM 2210), Summer 2000

Symposia/Conferences Attended

IUPAC- NOST International Symposium on "Enzymes in Organic Sythesis" held at New Delhi (India) from January 6-9, 1992.
Lipase-catalyzed irreversible transeste rification using 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl butyrate: Effect of temperature on rate of reaction and enantioselectivity
Enzyme-catalyzed regioselective deacyla tion of polyphenolic peracetates in organic solvents
Enzymatic studies in selective protecti on of sterically hindered hydroxyl groups in polyphenolics
Lipase-catalyzed selective deacetylatio n of peracetylated bezopyranones 
Regioselective esterification with lipa ses in organic solvents
IUPAC Second International Syposium on "Bioorganic Chemistry" held at Fukuoka (Japan) on June 6-10, 1993.
Selective biotransformations on diols w ith lipases
Fourth International Symposium on "C hiral Discrimination" held at Montreal (Canada) on September 19-22, 1993.
Enantioselelective transesterification of 2,3-butanediol
International Symposium on "Perspect ives in Bioorganic Chemistry" held at New Delhi (India) on December 8-9, 1994.
Novel compounds from Piper clarkii and their biological activity
A novel lipase from Aspergillus terreus : its potential in organic synthesis
Lignans and neolignans from stems and f ruits of Piper wightii
Enzyme-catalyzed deacetylation of perac etates of phenolic/enolic hydroxy groups in benzyl- phenyl ketones
 Isethionate in certain red algae< !--mstheme-->
IUPAC 10th International Conference on "Organic Synthesis" held at Bangalore (India) on December 11-16, 1994.
Asymmetric transformation of racemic am ino acids during enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of Schiff bases of amino acids esters
IUPAC 3rd International Syposium on "Bioorganic Chemistry"held at Dagomys (Sochi, Russia) on September 17-23, 1995.
Modulation of biotransformation of afla toxin by novel compounds from Piper species
5th Annual Meeting of the Bio/Enviro nmentally Degradable Polymer Society at Nashville (Tennessee, USA) on September 22-26, 1996.
Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of polymers for biodegradable applications
6th Annual Meeting of the Bio/Enviro nmentally Degradable Polymer Society at SanDiego (CA, USA) on September 16-21, 1997.
Lipase-catalyzed route to versatile amp hiphilic polymers.
Lipase -catalyzed ring-opening poly,mer izations
Propagation kinetics on enzyme catalyze d ring-opening polymerization of lactones
International Symposium on "Trends i n Medicinal Chemistry and Biocatalysis" at New Delhi, India on January 26-29, 2000.
Biocatalytic Routes to Functional Polym ers
220th National Meeting of the Americ an Chemical Society at Washington, DC on August 20-24, 2000.
Functional Polycarbonate Synthesis: Enz ymatic Approach