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Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds CHM 4932/6938

Lecture (Fall 2000)

Instructor: Dr. Kirpal S. Bisht Office: SCA 430 Phone: 974-0350
        e-mail :

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10.00-10.50 AM in CHE 105

Office Hours: 
Monday and Friday- 11.00 AM- 12.00 PM. 
Also, please bring questions to class. Student needing individual attention can also schedule an appointment at any time.

Required Text: 
Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds, Silverstein and Webster
Optional Text: Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, Williams and Fleming

Course content: The Text of Silverstein and Webster will be covered in its entirety.

Home work Problems: 
There is a heavy emphasis placed on problem solving in this course. Twenty five percent of your final grade will be from weekly homework sets. You are expected to work meticulously through these problems on your own in preparing for upcoming lectures and examinations.

The instructor would like to ensure that the atmosphere within this class is highly interactive and conducive to effective problem solving. Thus, attendance and active participation of all students is mandatory. Student will be responsible for all materi al presented in both the lectures and problem sets.

Course Grading: 
In accordance with university policy, final grade will be designated as 
50-55= D
56-60 = C-
61-65 = C
66-70 = C+
71-75 = B-
76-80 = B
81-85= B+
86-90 = A-
91-95 = A
96-100 = A+. 
The course grade will be based on your combined performance on the examination and problem sets, in the following manner: 

Problem Sets 20%
Midterm exam 40%
Final exam 40%

Missed exams or Assignments: 
Any unexcused absence from an examination will result in a grade of zero points for that exam. It is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor in advance of a conflict on the schedule exam day. Assignments handed in late will lose 20% of its graded value for each day it is late.

S/U grades: Students who meet the requirements described in the student catalog may elect to receive the grade of "S/U" (satisfactory/unsatisfactory). Both the student and the instructor must sign a written agreement that is then to be filed with the registrar's Office prior to the last day of classes. At the end of the semester, letter grades of "A" through "C" will automatically be converted to "S", and Grades of "D" and "F" will become a "U". The S/U grades are not computed in the student 's Grade Point Average (GPA).

Incompleteness: The grade of "I" will be given under exceptional circumstances, such as an extended illness, which can be certified by a practicing physician. To receive an incomplete, the student must have a passing grade on all completed w ork up to that point. Thus, students who are projected to fail the course cannot receive an incomplete. To remove an incomplete grade from the student records, all requirements must be completed within one academic semester; otherwise the "I" will automat ically be replaced with an "IF" (or "IU").

Academic Dishonesty: 
CHEATING OR DISRUPTIONS IN THE CLASSROOM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Any attempts to cheat on examinations (or problem sets) will result in a zero for that exam, and possibly an "F" for that course depending upon severity of the cheating. Students receivi ng an "F" as result of the academic misconduct will receive an "FF" on his or her record, and will be brought to the attention of the Dean's Office for further actions (including possible expulsion from the university). All students should review page 44 of the 2000-01 Undergraduate Catalog, and page 36 of the 1999-01 Graduate Catalog. to Clarify the University's View on what constitute academic misconduct and punishment.


Notice 1. In accordance with the University policy on observance of religious holy days, students are expected to notify their instructors if they intend to be absent for a class or announced examination prior to the scheduled class meeting.
Notice 2. Students are prohi bited from selling the lecture notes. 
Notice 3. The instructor wi ll keep uncollected exams/ assignments for a period of no longer than 2 weeks from the date of completion of the grading of the exam/ assignment.